Igloo Summer Camp
When: June 3 - August 2
Week 1: June 3 - 7
Week 2: June 10 - 14
Week 3: June 17 - 21
Week 4: June 24 - 28
Week 5: July 8 - 12
Week 6: July 15 - 19
Week 7: July 22 - 26
Week 8: July 29 - Aug 2
Time: 8am - 3pm
Ages: 5 - 12
Cost: $399 (per week)
What's Included
Learn to Skate instruction provided by PSA Excellence On Ice rated coaches, daily snack, on-ice group skating classes, crafts, physical conditioning, and more.
Private Lesson - $30/20-minute lesson
Pick-Up Policy
Pick up is 3:00 pm for a regular day of camp.
Refund Policies & Procedures
Refunds will be processed up to 7 days prior to start of camp.